Thursday, 1 March 2012

Be Strong!

Be Strong!

Monday, 11 July 2011 at 23:39
I need strength, even as am writing this, strength to hold me to the last full stop. Life comes packaged in various forms, of laughter, joy, anger, resentment, appreciation, disappointments.....a cocktail of sorts. Sometimes we get all we want to have, sometimes we loose, what we have acquired, and sometimes, our wishes are just but a mirage.

We may have wanted to be better than what we are today, but this is the best that we could be given the circumstances. The doctor who became a farmer, the lawyer who became a teacher, the engineer who became a policeman....

We are parents, we have trained our children in the best way possible, shown them the ways of the Lord, given the best education, but they have disappointed, conceived out of wedlock, absconded their careers.

We are children, we have wished for a loving family, we have wished for tender loving care from our parents, we have wished for an opportunity to attend even a "green school" academy aka under the tree class, but we carry around the tag of street kids.

We are teachers, we dedicate our all, we want the best of our students, we train them for the future, we mould them towards their careers, the students, won't see the need to work hard, mediocrity is their cup of tea.

We are workers, working more than our job descriptions, working to make our organizations better places, motivated by the objectives, our organizations won't recognize our efforts, our bosses see us as a threat, we facing the risk of a sack, we just wont get that promotion.

We can not give up, we have to be strong. I borrow Mary Marys lyrics, we can not give up now, for we've come far from where we started from, nobody told us the road will be easy and I don't believe God has brought us this far to leave us alone.

We have to be strong, when we feel unappreciated, appreciate, when we are hated, love, when we are overlooked, recognize, when we feel trampled on, elevate.

A better day is coming, when the least shall be elevated, the last shall be the first, the rejected stones shall become the cornerstone, a better day...

I have good plans for you,declares the Lord.

Be strong!


  1. Wow, nice Bena....@ first I thought U gonna talk about your life, but then it was an inspirational, an encouraging note to us, thank you and God bless you!!!!

  2. thank u jb. thats very encouraging
